Building resilience
and mental wellbeing for children and young people

WSA Curriculum, Teaching & Learning

Key question: What focus is given within the curriculum to social and emotional learning and promoting personal resilience, and how is learning assessed?

  • Understanding need / listening to YP voice to help inform the curriculum
  • Implementation of statutory PSHE framework
  • Supporting all C&YP to understand neuroscience / brain development
  • identify opportunities across the curriculum (and in extra-curricular activities) for SEL
  • Social & Emotional Learning: Self-care / help-seeking / self-soothing strategies
  • How to survive and thrive online
  • understanding and assessing risk and safety
  • building resilience - confidence, self-esteem, problem solving skills.

Prompts and Resources

PSHE in Cornwall

Protective Behaviours - helping C&YP feel safe

The Resilience Framework / academic resilience

HeadStart Online Resilience Tool

Helping Students Understand Neuroscience / Brain Development

Page last updated: 26 April 2023

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