Building resilience
and mental wellbeing for children and young people

Resilience recommended reading and resources

The home of the Resilience Framework with access to resources / information / training about resilience, the Framework and more.

The Headstart programme in Blackpool have done some super work around the Resilience Framework. This website has a fab interactive framework with ideas for resilient moves. 

Resilient therapy: Working with children and families Angie Hart, Derek Blincow & Helen Thomas (2007). Hove: Routledge.


You can find more information and downloads on the Boingboing website 

Bounce Forward (Y5)

Bounce Forward. In this 10-week programme, co-developed by Lancashire Mind, Blackpool HeadStart and Boingboing, pupils, their friends, family and wider school community can use the Resilience Framework to learn about resilience and try out practical actions to promote resilience building.

Smart Moves (Y6/Y7 - transition)

The Smart Moves Workbooks have been put together by Eikon Charity, adapted from or inspired by The Resilient Classroom Resource Pack written by Sam Taylor, Angie Hart and Hove Park School as part of the Academic Resilience Approach. Student and Teacher packs are available for Years 6 and 7. Smart Moves helps students develop resilience to address common anxieties when transitioning from Year 6 to 7. It equips teachers to facilitate evidence-based sessions around building resilience and good mental health. More info about Smart Moves on the Eikon website

Ready Set Resilience - (Y9)

Ready, Set, Resilience is a workbook and supporting guidance created to support young people’s resilience aimed at year 9 students. It uses mixture of activities which support individual resilience (beating the odds) and activities to support changing the odds like activism.

ReMiT - C&YP - (11+)

The Resilient Minds Toolkits are co-produced guides written by young people and parents/carers to support young people’s resilience and mental health. 

ReMiT - Parents and carers 

The Resilient Minds Toolkits are co-produced guides written by young people and parents/carers to support young people’s resilience and mental health. 

Supporting Children and Young People’s Mental Health  A Guide for Schools (secondary)

Supporting Children and Young People’s Mental Health Supporting children and young people’s mental health is a research-based guide created for any member of school staff who is concerned about a child or young person’s mental health and wellbeing. Sections include the role of the school to support C&YP MH; a resilience approach to MH in schools; supporting C&YP experiencing common MH issues.

Supporting Children and Young People’s Mental Health | Covid-19 Pandemic supplement (still a useful guide as we navigate 'recovery'. (secondary) - see above

The Resilient Classroom - A Resource Pack for Tutor Groups - (11+) 

This resilient classroom resource was created and developed to provide practical help for tutors and other pastoral staff and is suitable for use in the tutor group setting. It supports the tutor group structure and helps build relationships between tutors and students. Students and heads of years have been involved, through consultation and participation, in providing useful and appropriate exercises.

The Academic Resilience Approach

Academic Resilience – beating the odds for better results, is an approach for schools devised by Lisa Williams and Professor Angie Hart and adopted by YoungMinds. Based on Professor Hart’s collaborative resilience work at the University of Brighton and Boingboing.

Our resources help any school establish systems to build ‘resilience approaches’ that support disadvantaged pupils over time through a whole school approach. Benefitting all pupils and increasing academic resilience, the ARA helps everyone in the school community play a part.

Healthy Minds and London Grid for Learning - Short Resilience Resources Based on The Resilience Framework

Based on The Resilient Classroom, Young Minds have selected what they consider to be key activities. These have been simplified and made available individually (there are 25) for LGFL and TRUSTnet schools. By encouraging tutor group students to try out these activities, we are hoping that students may be able to better cope with the challenging aspects of school and day-to-day life.

Resilience Hero

Resilience Hero Game Guide (colour large pdf)

Resilience Hero Game Guide (BW large pdf) 

Page last updated: 9 October 2023

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